Creating resources for parents and families to help children reach their full God-given potential.

And whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not human masters.

Colossians 3:23

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About Us

As a seasoned educator with over 20 years experience and National Board Certification, I have worked to mentor and lead those around me.

I am married with 3 children, and a dog! The children are half-grown now, and I’ve learned a thing or two as I raised my children in the public school and taught them about Christ among other things at home. I have learned more from my mistakes than my successes!

I enjoy teaching Sunday School and VBS at my church, where I also direct the annual women’s conference. God has given me strength and guidance throughout many ups and downs in life, many of them with my own children and while I was in education. He’s not done with me yet, and I’m excited to see where He leads me next!

Cari Wilson, Owner of 323 Creations

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