Creating resources for parents and families to help children reach their full God-given potential.

Welcome to 323 Creations!

Welcome to 323 Creations! This is my first blog ever! I am excited about this new journey, and welcome you to come with me. My mission is to help Christian parents navigate their child’s educational world. Whether it’s at home or at school, you’ll find great tips, lots of resources, and ways to connect to your child. Visit often and explore with me! Share with others and follow me on social media and Pinterest. Parenting is hard, but you can do it!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

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About Us

As a seasoned educator with over 20 years experience and National Board Certification, I have worked to mentor and lead those around me.

I am married with 3 children, and a dog! The children are half-grown now, and I’ve learned a thing or two as I raised my children in the public school and taught them about Christ among other things at home. I have learned more from my mistakes than my successes!

I enjoy teaching Sunday School and VBS at my church, where I also direct the annual women’s conference. God has given me strength and guidance throughout many ups and downs in life, many of them with my own children and while I was in education. He’s not done with me yet, and I’m excited to see where He leads me next!

Cari Wilson, Owner of 323 Creations

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